Nature Room


Check availability and book the Nature Room

Date of arrival:

Date of departure:





Research in progress...

Enter your details



Summary of your booking Summary of your booking
After having booked via this form, you will have to make a transfer of the deposit in order to validate your booking (see amount below).
Transfer to be made on this bank account :

Download the RIB

Thank you for your reservation. We confirm that your payment has been made.
Please do not forget to transfer the amount of the deposit to this bank account:

Thank you for your reservation.
Don't forget to transfer the amount of the deposit to this bank account:

Date of arrival: - Change
Start date: - Change
Number of nights:
Adults: - Change
Accommodation: - Edit
Accommodation number: - Change

Accommodation prices:
Price includes:
Price of extras: -
Amount of the reduction:
Discount amount:

Amount of the 25% deposit:


See you soon!

We look forward to welcoming you soon!

Terms and conditions

You will pay for your reservation later. The total amount is.

No payment gateway is activated. Please activate at least one in the HBook settings (HBook> Payment).

In progress....

Please check the details of your booking before clicking on "Book now".